

Big Bear Holiday Market FlyerThis is it, it's your last weekend to Buy Handmade from local indie artists and designers before the holidays!

Lucky for you, tomorrow the Bloomingdale Holiday Art Market returns for another fun show at the Big Bear Cafe.

Our vendor list includes:
Andrea Haffner
De*Nada Design
Sean Hennessey
Kristina Bilonick
Neighborhood Fiber Co

Realm Jewelry
Tiger Flight

Skip the mall and join us for some last minute holiday shopping at the second annual Bloomingdale Holiday Art Market:

Saturday, December 20th, from 4-9pm, at the Big Bear Cafe, First and R St NW in DC.

Hope to see you all tomorrow!

Thanks dcist and washingtonian for writing about us!

ps...if you absolutely can't make it tomorrow, Sean and I will also be at the Black Cat Rock'n'Shop again on Sunday!


bloomingdale holiday art market.

Arts! Crafts! Cider! Fun!
Big Bear Cafe Art Market
Yes, it's happening again! The Bloomingdale Holiday Art Market returns for another fun show at the Big Bear Cafe. We're looking forward to our second annual handmade art market in the neighborhood and hope to see you there!

Save the Date! Saturday, December 20th, from 4-9pm at the Big Bear Cafe, 1st and R St NW in DC.

Come shop with amazing local artists including: Andrea Haffner, Sean Hennessey, Realm Jewelry, De*Nada Design, Kristina Bilonick, and more!

I Took The Handmade Pledge! BuyHandmade.org
Buy Handmade this holiday season and support your local artists and designers! Have you taken the pledge yet?


Skeleton + Escape

Here are some of my latest notebooks, posted beside the drawings in my own Moleskine where they were first created...

Plan B [Escape]
Plan B [Escape]Plan B [Escape]
gocco printed on pocket Moleskine cahiers [above]
first began as an ink drawing in my own sketchbook [below]

Sketch :: Day 5

Skeleton Trees
Skeleton TreeSkeleton Tree
gocco printed on large Moleskine cahiers [above]
first began as an ink drawing in my own sketchbook [below]

Sketch :: Day 3

I hope you all had a lovely, spooky, haunted, eerie Halloween! xox.


crafty your vote.

Here's the news I promised... drumroll, please!


I'm so excited to announce that I've been selected to be one of 10 Crafty Bastards running for Craftiest Bastard 08! I'm their 'Paper Products' category pick. Voting is open now through October 1st. Please click here to go to the voting page. Vote early + vote often, and of course, tell your friends to vote too!

The Crafty Bastards fall event will be on September 28th, and you can also vote then. I'll be in booth #72, please do be sure to visit and say hi!

This coming weekend are my first two big shows of the season. Friday and Saturday will be Arts on Foot, on the south sidewalk of the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery, booth #21. Then Sunday is Adams Morgan Day, Sean and I will be set up in the Arts on Belmont section, booth #16.

Am I ready? Of course not! With just 24 hours to go for everything to be all packed up, I'll probably start thinking up ways to redesign my booth display tonight. And of course, campaign promises.


skeleton tree.

Meet my latest hand printed Moleskine creation for September, Skeleton Tree:
Skeleton Tree
It started from a drawing in my own Moleskine in January while I was sitting outside among many trees, waiting for a friend.

I've screenprinted the illustration on both kraft and black covers, and both versions are posted in my Etsy shop.
Skeleton Tree

Exciting news from August was having my work featured in HOW Magazine! Being a designer by profession, it was truly an honor to be featured in this awesome publication.
How Magazine.
How Magazine.

I've been busy in my studio working on a whole lot of new things for all of my upcoming shows. This coming weekend will be the busiest ever, I have three full days of shows in a row! Friday and Saturday is Arts on Foot, then Sunday is Adams Morgan Day. I keep the event list on the right sidebar updated and also started a monthly newsletter! If you'd like to subscribe, please enter your email address on the right.

It's hard to believe that August flew by so quickly. I do hope you're all enjoying the last days of summer. It's time for me to sign off to get back to my studio, some more exciting news is coming up soon!


fly away.

Introducing my latest illustrated, hand printed Moleskine for August 2008: Fly Away.

Fly Away [detail]

This illustration is based on an sketch I drew in my own Moleskine a few months back. After drawing and redrawing, I finally settled on this version, now available on both large and extra large Moleskine cahiers!

Fly Away XL Moleskine
Fly Away on an extra large Moleskine [above] and large Moleskine [below]
Fly Away L Moleskine

This multi-layered print was handprinted by me in small batches, and as always, is available for sale in my Etsy shop.


about handmade.

Why do you make handmade? I've seen this question asked a lot recently. Here is a brilliant animation that crankbunny did to explain why she makes handmade. I think it's the best explanation I've heard so far.

You can read more about her animation process and tools in this storque article, and visit her website here.


pyramid atlantic store.

Something exciting opens tonight: the Pyramid Atlantic Community Arts Store!
Pyramid Atlantic Art Store!
Sean and I will have some of our artwork there, and of course notebooks and lunch bags as well!

I got to take a peek inside when I dropped off my work, and it looks amazing. The organisers have done an incredible job setting it up. Downtown Silver Spring will have the awesomest handmade shop in the area.

The grand opening tonight is from 5-7pm, and the address is: 924 Ellsworth Drive in downtown Silver Spring. Store hours will be: Thursdays: 12–8pm, Fridays: 12–7pm, and Saturdays: 10am to 7pm

Looking for more info? Check out the Pyramid Atlantic site.


blue tulips.

Introducing my latest illustrated Moleskine notebook for July, Blue Tulips:
Blue Tulips

....and some of the latest additions to my screenprinted Moleskine series:
Imaginary Friend XLImaginary Friend L
Imaginary Friend on an extra large Moleskine (left) and large Moleskine (right)

Knit Buddies XLNew Roxy!
Knit Buddies (left) extra large Moleskine, and right: new edition Roxy

If you didn't make it to Crafty Bastards this past weekend, here's a peek at what our space looked like from where I was sitting:
Crafty Bastards
Crafty Bastards

Spring was such a busy time, Artomatic came and went, and then Crafty Bastards, and soon it'll be December again. I'm planning to introduce a new notebook each month from now till the end of the year, so check back soon to see how I'm doing. I have a stack of illustrations waiting to be used, and I can't wait to see how those look printed. But I'm going to try and be patient and work on them slowly, one month at a time. And like all the rest, they will be sold individually via my etsy shop.

Blue Tulips


ktog = knit together.

Here is a quick pan of my knitting installation piece at Artomatic. It's titled Ktog, which in knitting language means 'knit together.'

More images coming soon, including some of my favorite works there so far.

Sean and I are set up right beside each other, you'll find our exhibit space right behind the main desk when you step out of the elevators on the 7th floor. Artomatic runs through June 15th, and is open Wednesdays-Sundays. For hours please check the web site.


glass school. open house.

knit paintings

I've created a whole new series of knit paintings, and they're on exhibit at artomatic through Jun 15th. But more about that later... this is just a quick post to let you know about the Washington Glass School's 7th Anniversary Open House and Party! It's today!

Sean and I will be setting up there, at our home away from home. If you're in the area, please stop by!

sean hennessey

I'm hoping to spend some time at Flux and Red Dirt Studios. They're right next door, and all of the work there is just stunning.

I also wrote about this event for the Crafty Bastards blog, where I posted maps of the area open studios. I'm planning to take a lot of pictures, hope you can make it too!


i'm your daily candy.

Thank you Daily Candy for featuring my Moleskine notebooks as today's candy!

Thank you Venus Zine for featuring my knit paintings in your Spring 08 issue! Find me on page 18!



And while I'm at it, thank you Crafty Bastards for letting me play on your blog! I wrote a longer version of my acc baltimore trip over there, hope you enjoy it!

Ok, I think I've used up all of my exclamation point privileges for the month! I'm off to package up orders now... :)


acc baltimore 2008.

ACC Baltimore 2008ACC Baltimore 2008
Jung Yeon Choi
ACC Baltimore 2008
Haley Reneé Bates

Yesterday Sean and I drove out to Baltimore to visit the American Craft Council show in Baltimore. The two main reasons I really wanted to go to the Baltimore Craft Show were to meet CircaCeramics and Margaux Lange, but I also ended up finding some new favorites.

I've been a big fan of Chicago based CircaCeramics for a very long time: gocco and ceramics, genius! I frequently covet their work on Etsy where they've had some fabulous articles written about them in the Storque.
ACC Baltimore 2008ACC Baltimore 2008

At Crafty Bastards 2007 I had wanted to see Margaux Lange's work but I didn't have a second to skip over to visit, so a few weeks later I bought this as a little gift to myself when I reached 300 sales on Etsy. Getting to meet Margaux in person was awesome, and I hope to cross paths with her at some point again in the future. Be sure to visit her blog where she writes more about her work.
ACC Baltimore 2008
Margaux Lange

It's always nice to visit with familiar faces, Caitlin of Rebound Designs is a member of Craft Mutiny and this was one of her biggest shows ever. Her display looked fabulous!
ACC Baltimore 2008ACC Baltimore 2008
Rebound Designs

One of my favorite finds at the show was artwork by Elizabeth Perkins, made of cast glass. Described on her website as: "cast glass using the pate de verre method. They are replicas of tatting, lace, and doilies made by my great-grandmother and her sister. The colors are inspired by 1940's lingerie."
ACC Baltimore 2008
Elizabeth Perkins

Almost all of the work I was attracted to was in the 'New Wave,' 'Searchlight,' and 'School to Market,' sections, but all three of these areas were hardly given any space at this event. The New Wave section artists barely had three feet of space each, and they were all crammed together in a fenced off area. I would hope that a greater focus is given to up and coming artists at these future events.



Tomorrow night is the opening of an international glass exhibit in which Sean will be taking part in: Glass3

Glass3 is a collaborative exhibit featuring the works of The Washington Glass School, Cohesion Artists from Sunderland England, and artists selected by the Arts Commission of Greater Toledo.

Sean will be exhibiting his latest work which combines glass panels and concrete.
Sean Hennessey :: Glass 3
Sean Hennessey :: Glass3

February 21-March 9, Monday-Saturday, noon-8pm, and Sunday, noon-6pm.

This Georgetown exhibit opens Thursday, February 21st, 6-8pm, and is located in The Shops at Georgetown Park, 3222 M Street, NW.


bridges and balloons.

Sketch :: Day 4
Sketch :: Day 4

I've wanted to draw a hot air balloon ever since I visited the Joseph Cornell show at the Smithsonian American History Museum. This was one of my favorite pieces:

[From a slide show on the SAAM web site. More pieces from the are exhibit here.]

I visited the Joseph Cornell show a few weeks after I spent a lot of time in some big galleries in Chelsea. Most of the work I saw in Chelsea was a larger scale than I had ever seen before. Everything seemed soooo big that it made me question small works of art.

But then at the Joseph Cornell show, all of the pieces were so tiny and detailed and intricate. I visited the exhibit three, maybe four times again before it closed, and every time I visited I found something smaller and more intimate to focus on. There I discovered that I was way more drawn to smaller works of art and it made me realise the track I was already moving on was ok. Small is ok.

I'm still drawing away in my sketch book every day, and am already finding that the pen is moving quicker and quicker as I'm filling more pages with drawings. It feels good to finally have a hot air balloon on paper, and lotuses too. I've been wanting to draw them forever.

Here are some more pages of my daily drawings:
Sketch :: Day 5
Sketch :: Day 5

Sketch :: Day 8
Sketch :: Day 8