
the (un)finished object

At the beginning of May, the fabulous ellia of green bean baby started the unfinished object initiative, and I joined in! I was able to finish a bunch of deadlines, but was so immersed in these different projects I barely had time left to blog!

Here is a list of projects I managed to finish ::
:: Paintings for Imagining Ourselves exhibit in Beirut
:: Embellished Kitty Square for Wall of Yarn exhibit in Australia
:: 1,000 wedding invitations designed, printed, scored, and cut. phew!
:: and I kept up with Illustration Friday every week!

My unfinished objects for last month are complete! But in this goshdarnknit world, there is no time for nothing! Here is a small sampling of whats next on my plate:
:: Finish a portrait commission
:: Develop a university lecture I'll be giving about design
:: Creative exchange with flossy-p
:: Illustrations for a friend's business
:: Get ready for my trip to Lebanon in a few weeks!
(going on a trip means lots of time to knit!)

Is there anything else I've forgotten?


Anonymous said...

Ooooooooh...trip knitting. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Stars above!!! I wish I had mananged to get all that done.