Here are some pictures from my Art Lounge exhibit in Beirut! The exhibit was part of the Imagining Ourselves Project, co-sponsored by the International Museum of Women, San Francisco, and featured the work of many talented lebanese women. An exhibit book was published and featured the work of all of us!
The exhibit space is also a huge lounge with a bar and an awesome bookshop, plus the hours are great: 7pm-close, Tuesday-Sunday. The exhibit was scheduled to end June 24th but it was extended till July 9. So yes, I visited it many times.

I decided to keep some of my artwork there to be placed in another exhibit in Beirut. Of course I am working on a new series to show here in the US. If you are interested in a commissioned painting in this series, please let me know by e.mail. [sometimes its hard to get in touch with you through the comments!] My e.mail is: darnknit at gmail dot com

Here are some images from other arts venues in Beirut: Espace SD, a gallery in Saifi Village, and the staircase art exhibit in the fabulous Gemmayzeh.
:: knit signing.
:: some more connections.
:: open studio fun.
:: about connectedness.
:: knitting dreams.
:: kite watcher.
:: imagining ouselves.
Whoa, Rania. Glad you and your buddies are back. I hope all is well in Beirut for those you know there (and everyone else....)
Hi there,
I'm writing you on behalf of the Imagining Ourselves team and the International Museum of Women to congratulate you on your artwork! We are also having a new global Call for Submissions that you may or may not be aware of. I was hoping you would post the flyer on your blog to help us recruit new artists. We are also always willing to review new submissions from our artists who have submitted in the past. Hint Hint.
Please let me know if you would be willing to post our official Call for Submissions on your blog and I will email you the flyer and images in jpg format. You can reach me Mon-Wed at ioinfo@imow.org. Thanks for your kind consideration. Imagining Ourselves would not be possible without the contributions of talented women like yourself!
Best wishes,
Kathryn Robinson
Imagining Ourselves
International Museum of Women
PO Box 190038
San Francisco, CA 94119
telephone: +1 415-543-4669
telefax: +1 415-543-4668
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