Adams Morgan Day was a ton of fun! It was my very first outdoor festival and I had spent days and weeks preparing for it, and even with that there were so many last minute details to take care of!
The highlight of my day was selling a painting early in the morning as I was setting up! How awesome is that?
Thank you everybody for coming by, checking out my work, and especially for buying it! I was so exhausted by the end of the day but it was so much fun. I'm doing this again in a few weeks at Crafty Bastards, so please come visit me again there!

One question that came up many times during the day was if I had a store. My hope is to re-think my etsy store this coming week and update it with more current stuff. Will post any updates I make here!
super cool!
Sorry I couldn't make it.
I'm so sad I missed seeing you and your beautiful creations! Maybe I can sneak out of work early to get to Crafty Bastards.....
Both your art and the booth were absolutely lovely. I'm glad to have finally met you in person! Hope to meet up again at Crafty Bastards.
How fun. Good for you. I miss DC soooo much!!! Although, I do love it here in Nashville now, it's good to get back to a thriving city every once in a while!
Looks brilliant! How fun, congratulations!
Everything looks awesome! How very exciting and fun!
thanks, everyone!
sean also set up at adams morgan day...check out his review at this link.
Can you believe we managed to fit two tents, a bunch of wooden walls for his stand, and all of our artwork for sale in our little Golf?
your booth looks fantastic! :) i'm going to have to go to etsy and buy something! i have a question... where do you find the bags that you've packaged your prints and tags in? Any info would be much appreciated. I don't know if they need to be acid free or what.. thank you!
magpie, the clear bags are from clearbags.com
they're archival, acid free, etc... On clearbags.com they have every size you can imagine in packages of 100. If you don't need that many, the container store sells the same bags but only in a few standard sizes in packages of 25.
just 1 week to go till crafty bastards! yay!
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