The rules are as follows:
1. someone tags you,
2. you post five things about yourself that you haven’t already mentioned on your blog,
3. you tag people you’d like to know more about.
little me
Alrighty, here I go...
1. When I was in high school I wrote an agony aunt column for a local magazine and got paid really well for it. I answered fan mail, wrote about makeup, eyebrows, hair, legwarmers, mini skirts and skin. My mom saved every issue and its always a laugh to read them.
2. Growing up I was fascinated with people who could draw and would spend my lunch hours watching them, but as hard as I tried everything I drew or painted looked like poop. Then over summer break when I was 16 my family and I were stranded at an airport in Houston waiting and waiting for our flight to Venezuela. Of course I had a sketchbook on me, so I pulled it out and started to draw from photos in a newspaper and for the first time ever, it came out exactly as I saw it. Magic! I went on to get an A the following year in GCSE art, and two years later another A in A-level art.
3. Its always hard for me to answer the "where are you from?" question because: I was born in NYC, went to preschool in London, elementary school in Houston, high school in Dubai and college in Beirut. I moved to DC in 2000 and love this city, and don't have plans to move anytime soon. Also, my accent has changed every time.
4. I love having short hair. For some reason I forget this and remember as soon as my hair nears my shoulders. I cut my hair last week and am already itching for it to be shorter.
5. I can't have enough Thai food. My favorite dish is Penang Tofu. I love indian too, Palak Paneer, yummmm. I could seriously eat it every day.
I tag Roz Foster, I Like Seamonsters, Green Bean Baby, Bookish Lady, and flossy-p!
{please note...tonight I was *forced* to change my blogger account, so feeds might be disrupted. so sorry.}
I am just loving myself in my new Allison Rocks t-shirt. Had to get my 3 year old to take glam photos. Even managed to keep his thumb off the lense! Thanks so much (and I loved the special treats too). Will pop photos on my blog on the weekend - but I'll spare you the ones of me.
Mmmmmmm, Thai food! :)
I'm glad it wasn't just me who was forced to make the change. I had a major stress out about the whole thing, and what annoys me even more is it still has the option to log into the old account!
(although to be honest the change wasn't that hard in the long run....)
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