Thank you Daily Candy for featuring my Moleskine notebooks as today's candy!
Thank you Venus Zine for featuring my knit paintings in your Spring 08 issue! Find me on page 18!
And while I'm at it, thank you Crafty Bastards for letting me play on your blog! I wrote a longer version of my acc baltimore trip over there, hope you enjoy it!

Ok, I think I've used up all of my exclamation point privileges for the month! I'm off to package up orders now... :)
That's awesome! I hope you get lots of new orders! :-)
Fantastic news about Daily Candy!! Congrats! And just wanted to say again, thanks for your review of ACC and for stopping by to say hello. Wish we could have all had dinner or hung out some more, but it was nice to chat even for the small amount that we did. Keep up the amazing work.
Margaux :-)
your knit paintings are soooo cool!
I love your blog. I have nominated your blog as a blog that “brings me inspiration and makes me appreciate the blogosphere”. Now it´s your turn to do the same for 10 others who inspired you if you want … and may your blog run and run
Beautiful Blog!
Congratulations! I have one of your moleskine notebooks in my purse right now! I love it :)
Wow! Congrats on all the coverage... On your blog I think you have an unlimited use of all punctuation so exclaim away :-)
congratulations! i really love your illustrations!
Very nice! Congratulations ont he coverage! It's well-deserved!
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