As hard as I tried, there really was no way I could miss it. As much as I convinced myself that I had enough yarn, I still had to go. And I did.
My mom was my accomplice. We got there in the late afternoon and spent the time walking the grounds, visiting all the vendors, and talking to the animals. These guys were seriously cute. I was really tempted to reach in and ruffle the mess of hair on their heads:
This time I mostly shopped for yarn I could use in my artwork, because seriously, there's enough yarn still waiting in my stash. I found some lovely silk, linen, and hemp, and more of my favorite bryspun needles.
And then the next week at Squidfire, my booth was beside Woolarina's. It didn't take much to make me pounce on some hand painted and hand spun wool. I also saw the cutest baby pug ever. All black and more adorable than you can imagine. But no, I didn't come home with him.
i was always under the impression the Veela, not tonka, was actually the cuter one.
i submit exhibit a:
All of this reminds me of childhood. Did you know I grew up on a farm and we had sheep and goats? And we sold the wool and yarn? Yep, lots of lanolin in those days.
And, aw.... when will you guys accept that BOTH kitties are cute? But that CLEO is the cutest!!!!
whut yooo meen th' kewt one?
ies poopin' whur yoo don see et tomurrow
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