Macy was printed using my Print Gocco CD press. It has a moveable printing bed, so I was able to adjust it in order for all the layers to register correctly. This is my first try at doing a multi-layer, multi-color gocco print, and for a first try, I'm quite happy with it!
Yes, print gocco everywhere, and I was so excited and thrilled to be doing it, I did some layers before they even dried! And I left the final black screen in the printer for hours and randomly printed on stuff. fun. My kitties were intrigued.
My favorite is the painted print (below). The ink is oil based, so it makes it really easy to paint within the lines. I can see an all-gocco coloring book in my future. Paint by number would be fun too!
Totals: 22 color prints, 5 small file prints, 1 painted small file print, 6 file folder prints, and some random prints on receipt paper. Oh, and one print on tissue paper for Scenic Artisan to do a faux finish experiment with it.
:: I ended up scanning the original illustration and resizing it to fit.
:: It was really easy to set up the three different layers in photoshop. I then printed the pages out and made some photocopies.
:: This print came out with a lot of texture in it because the paper stuck to the screens! Yes, unexpected, but I'm hoping that when I want this effect again I'll be able to recreate it. This might have happened because the density of of black on the photocopy was too intense. Next time I'll make the printouts in another color (like green/blue) so the photocopy doesn't come up so dark. I wonder if this wouldn't have happened if I had used the carbon inked version of the illustration, or even if I had just photocopied it onto heavier paper.
:: Printing on gold leafed-paper: not a good idea. Took me yet more time to pick off all the bits and pieces. yes, with my trusty xacto.
Thanks for coming back to see the results!
One of the loveliest things I've ever seen. It's brilliant.
The coloured result turned brilliant!
Great stuff, this is very exciting. I am glad I got to see it coloured. Loved reading how you printed it. see ya around.
Very cool! I know nothing about goco, but Ilike what you've done with it!
I like all of the different versions you were able to do with layers and levels and colors, oh my! Another great one! :-)
Thanks so much for the comments everybody!
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