
Illustration Friday: Tattoo

Meet Roxy*. Roxy is not capable of keeping her hands still. They always need to be doing something. She decorates every inch of her homework, notes, and assignments with drawings! One day her teacher, Mr. Bo Ring*, said "Roxy. This has got to stop. You must stop drawing all over your school work! You must stop this at once I say!"

So she moved her paper aside and drew all over her arms.

In other news...please don't forget to check out my Art Monday on ebay listings! Some are ending really really soon (and we've started the bids really really low!)

Roxy was painted in watercolor and ink on
2.75"x3.75" amalfi cotton rag paper.
*Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Yes, this is based on a true story.

Previous Illustration Friday entries : insect : tea : song : simple : chair : glamour [color gocco print] : glamour : cats : e is for : sea : flavor : holiday : imagine


valerie walsh said...

yer so funny! love this as always!

rania said...

thanks, valgalart!

Rowantree said...

Lov that eyes and hair, great perspective !

Suzan said...

Very beautiful. Love your work!

Luisa said...

Very nice,I love your style! a greetin!

tiffini elektra x said...

I love your style - your colors - those eyes - the arm. . .

Queen Tut said...

Haha you crazy girl. Love it!

trowbridge chronicles said...

I like your funny drawing style.

Chai said...

it looks like mehndi. a lot of women do this for their wedding in south asia. very interesting.

i love the fact that she is drawing without looking at her arm. so cool roxy.

Angela Matteson said...

I like your style. She's a very relatable charcater. I think many aspiring artists have been guilty of a little skin doodling!

Roz Foster said...

Totally relatable character... and artist. In fact, I'm inclined to think that you and I MUST be somehow related. I [heart] Roxy.

Christine Lim said...

I love your character and the style of your illo. :)

Anonymous said...

cool :D I like your style.

Heartful said...

Great drawing, as usual!

georg said...

You have your very own style - and I love it! Roxy is one of the family - "based on a true story", eh? And then it's our time to imagine.. Beautiful!

flossy-p said...

I remember doing this at school too. Much like Roxy, I ended up with doodles up my jeans and all over my shoes, (My hair was never that cool though).

Was school really THAT boring?!

Willie Baronet said...

Love the drawing, but love your writing even more. I now must go check out more, Darn knit.

Anonymous said...

What a character..always love her expression, her eyes. Seem she is "soo" hehehe..eh.. interested on her drawing-tattoo.

Roonie said...

You draw this? You're megatalented! I would love to hang a group of three of these photos in my living room. Roxy is adorable.

TXArtcGal said...

LOVE this! Reminds me of my daughter...constantly drawing, even on her arms! Fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Love ur story and ur poetic illo :D

carla said...

I love the colors you used, and i love that swirly hair! Roxy is a wonderful character, and I must say I like her attitude...shame on the teacher who told her to stop drawing on her work! I love when my students decorate their work...it's like an illustrated book:>

rania said...

wow, thanks so much everyone! i did find out today that the real "Roxy" got to meet this one! aces!

Interesting comment about the mehndi connection, Chai...One of the places I grew up in was Dubai. During the summers I got to mess around with tubes of henna and would do designs all over my hands, years before madonna made it really popular! In my travels here, people would ask me all sorts of questions about it thinking I had tattooed my hands!

Still, writing all over yourself is fun, and something we've all done before...thats why we're illustrators now! right?

Anonymous said...

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!! this was and still is totally me! hee hee! oh my gosh, minus the huge eyes, we look alike! (well, when i dyed my hair lighter)... the insanely weird thing is today i had a pen and wrote the alphabet down my arm and to my fingers... and my hand holds a mini to-do list... i used to make paw prints on my hand all the time and one day i had an india ink project and ended up giving myself a pawprint tattoo on my wrist... it looks good and is not faded (even the tattoo people were impressed) but yeah, what a pen and a bare arm will make ya do! this is my favorite illustration yet!!!!

irisz said...

i like this picture so much! great!

Anonymous said...

Hee hee hee! I love the story and the illustration! Roxy is a gal after my own heart. :)

kelly rae said...

this is really cool. i LOVE the tone, the colors and the swirlies. so so cool. love your other stuff, too.

rania said...

thanks so much! I actually turned this one into a gocco print with her story....click here to see it!